The only thing that blew up in my chemistry class this semester was my grade. I didn't apply myself to the best of my ability, and now I don't feel good enough for med school. I'm supposed to be brilliant; I'm supposed to know everything (although I guess some people actually study to get there.) So I'm just going to study O-chem I over break, and maybe I'll be able to tackle O-chem II with a little more muscle. I need to learn better organization skills. I'm getting there, but obviously I'm not there yet.
Ah well, I had my first day of volunteer, which was awesome. I got to see a c-section, and I didn't faint or even get light-headed. The opportunity to see someone's life beginning is really phenomenal. I'd watch it one hundred more times if I could. Who knows, maybe I will. The incisions, the separation, the stitching and stapling-- what a show! I also got to put away stock and put pillow cases on pillows, as well as check dates on stock (those are the really exciting things.) Anyway, I hope that my excitement doesn't diminish. Even though my O-Chem grade doesn't display my excitement for the field, my volunteer work most definitely will.